“You can either experience the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The choice is yours.” – Unknown

December 9, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

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10 Wall Sit Cuban Press

10 Banded GoodMornings

3 Rounds

A1): Deadlift (3×10 @60%-65% Tempo 21×1 )

-A2) Bulgarian Split Squat 3×10 (each leg) Tempo 21×1

WOD: DT with a Twist (Time)

“DT with a twist”

3 Rounds For time

12 Deadlift 135lb/95lb 115lb/85lb 95lb/75lb

9 Hang Power Clean

6 Push Jerks

18min CAP

RX+ 5 Rounds

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