Wednesday – 09/22/21

September 22, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

6:00 EMOM (:45 ON/ :15 OFF)

MIN 1 – Single Unders

MIN 2 – Med Ball Front Squats

MIN 3 – High Jump Single Unders

MIN 4 – Med Ball Push Press

MIN 5 – Double Unders

MIN 6 – Med Ball Thrusters

A: Bench Press (4-4-4-4-4)

*Bench Press 5 sets of 4 building to a Heavy (NOT MAX) set of 4 for the day. Aiming to work HEAVIER across all ets than last time @6 reps (09/08)

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20:00 AMRAP

20 Wall Balls (20/14)|(14/10)

200m Run

40 Double Unders

2 Rope Climbs

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