CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit
Metcon (No Measure)
A. Strength – partner up!
2 parts to this:
a. 12 min. to complete 3-4 QUALITY rounds:
P1: complete 1 round of 30’s curls (10: half way up/down and full range)
P2: Heavy chest fly (pick a weight you can do 8-10 reps with)
rest 1:30
b. 12 min. to complete 3-4 QUALITY rounds:
P1: complete 20 DB tricep kickbacks
P2: ME tempo pull-ups 50X0
B. Conditioning – SOLO!
1. 12/9 cal row (RX+ 15/12)
2. 10 KB upper complex (curl, overhead press, overhead extension) (35/25)
3. +1 push-up burpee (add a push-up every time you go to the following rep)
4. 100 ft. croc walk
*start in different stations; drink water before bc unless you finish early, there’s no rest until you’re done 🙂