Tuesday – 07/05/22 | Strength & Power – Push + Pull

July 5, 2022

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

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Strength Balance Super Set

Horizontal Push + Pull

A1: Bench Press (4×6@70-75%)

A2: KB Chainsaw Row (4x 8-10/Arm)

*Aiming to work heavier than 6/21st 3×10-12


Max Aerobic Power Intervals

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

5 sets

1:30 Running Clock

10/7 Air Bike Cals*

AMRAP with time Left**

5 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)|(115/75)|(95/65)

10 Hand Release Push-ups

1:30 Rest

*Goal for Bike should be 30sec or faster, HARD 45sec time cap. Adjust Cals as needed.

**Carry an on-running count for Hang PC and Push-up after the Bike. Pick up each new set from where you last got caught.

(Score is Hang Power Clean and Push-up total Rounds + Reps)

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