Tuesday – 06/15/21

June 15, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

*empty barbell

3 snatch grip deadlifts

3 snatch grip Cuban presses

3 overhead squats

3 barbell on back good mornings

3 barbell on back jump squat

Dip Power Snatch (6 x 3 reps 55-65% every 75 seconds)


Metcon (Time)

1 round

150 double unders

30 toes to bar

30 kettlebell swings 55/35


2 rounds

75 double unders

15 toes to bar

15 kettlebell swings 55/35


3 rounds

50 double unders

10 toes to bar

10 kettlebell swings 55/35



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