Tuesday – 06/15/21

June 15, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

10 stride crossover jumps

10 banded I,T,As

10 single leg reverse hypers

A: Power Clean (4×4 @55% with 2 pauses*)

*2 second pause @knee and then @power position


B: Squat Clean (wave 3x(3@60%, 3@65%, 3@70%))

C: Clean Pull (80%)

D: BTN Push Press (75%)

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

25/20 calorie ski

50′ single dumbbell overhead walking lunges each arm (50/35)

100 double unders


Metcon (No Measure)

3 x

1 minute plank hold

:30 seconds back extensions

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