Tuesday – 06/07/22 | Power – Hang Snatch Progression

June 7, 2022

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

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Power – Hang Snatch Progression

Build from a Light to Heavy (NOT MAX) Weight by the last EMOM set. Use the same weight for all 4 sets of each EMOM. Keep the last EMOM 80% or Lighter


Dip Snatch 4×3 @115

Hang Snatch from Knee 4×2@135

Hang Snatch below Knee 4×1@155

A1: Dip Snatch (x3 @Light-Moderate EMOM x4)


1:30 Rest/Increase Weight


A2: Hang Snatch (just above knee) (x2 @Moderate EMOM x4 )


1:30 Rest/Increase Weight


A3: Hang Snatch (below knee) (x1 @Moderate-Heavy EMOM x4)


Metcon (Time)

For Time

30/20 Cal Bike

30 Power Snatches (115/75)|(95/65)|(75/55)

30/20 Cal Bike

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