Friday – 07/02/21 “Heavy-Power Elizabeth”

July 2, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)


0:15 Ball Slams

0:15 Ball on Back Good Mornings

0:15 Body Weight Jump squats (ball optional)

0:15 Ball Sit-ups

0:15 Ball High Plank Taps

Metcon (No Measure)

“WOD Prep”

10:00 EMOM

Min 1 – 2 High Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Cleans (Light to Moderate)

Min 2 – 0:05-0:10 Ring Support + 2-3 Kipping Ring Dips + 0:05-0:10 Ring Support

*Scale with Band Assisted Dips or 8 DB Overhead Tricep Extension + 0:20 High Plank




Heavy-Power Elizabeth (Time)


Power Clean (155/105)

Kipping Ring Dip*

*Scale as Band Assisted, Tall Jump Ring Dips or Box Dips



Power Clean (185/125)

Strict Ring Dip


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