Strength & Conditioning

August 1, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

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Metcon (No Measure)

A. Strength

EMOMx24 (4 rounds)

*complete ALL 4 rounds of the same movement before switching; 1 minute rest between movement changes. Go heavier than usual otherwise you won’t feel this workout

1. 6-8 KB goblet squats

2. 20 RKBS

3. 4-6 (p/s) Front rack side lunge

4. 10-12 Box jumps OR 20 Squat jumps

5. :45 Hollow hold flutter kicks

B. Conditioning

AMRAP – 10 min.

8/6 cal. bike

12 KB Hang high pulls

100′ runners (with gliders under your hands)

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