Strength & Conditioning

July 5, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

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Metcon (No Measure)

Last day to really focus on part A. Next week we’ll test out your pull-ups 🙂

A. Skill work – 16 min. AMRAP for quality

Option 1:

5-8 tempo pull-ups 50X0*

10-20 unbroken push-ups

*keep holding on to the bar until you finish the set and use a box to step up and START with your chin over the bar

Option 2:

15 Single Arm Bent Over DB Row (each)

10-20 unbroken push-ups

*The goal here is to improve a little each week. Whether that is adding an extra pull-up or even getting lower on the TRX. Also giving you a little extra time today so try to get an extra set in 😉

B. Strength & Conditioning – 15 min.

EMOM – alt. movements (give yourself about :15 to transition)

1. Sled squat & pull

2. DB hang squat clean

3. 10/8 ski cals (focus on long pulls)

4. Double DB snatch

5. DB V-ups

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