Strength & Conditioning

June 30, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

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Metcon (No Measure)

Active Recovery day

In a 32 minute running clock:

1:00 plank w/ plate

400m KB Farmer’s Carry*

1:00 lateral step-ups (:30/side)

200 ft. sled squat and pull

*The KB weight should be somewhat challenging, but definitely doable to hold it UB at least for 100m

Extra Credit:

100 russian twists (r_l=1)

-DB: 1 head of the DB must touch the floor on both sides

-BW: ALL 10 fingertips must touch the floor on both sides

***Make-up WEDNESDAY***

If you missed yesterday and want to sweat, do stations 1/2/4 from yesterday.

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