Strength and Conditioning

November 29, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

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Metcon (No Measure)

A. Strength – 30 min.

EMOM – strength NOT speed!

1. KB alt. reverse lunges off plate

2. Plate G2O (45/35/25)

3. KB bent over row


5. Anchored sit-ups

6. Rest

B. Conditioning – 10 min. cap

EMOM* – Death by: KB thrusters

*every round starts with 7/5 cal bike

**Once you cannot complete a round, you are done! Lose the thrusters and work on getting faster on the bike (so only complete the cals. and rest the remainder of the minute)

***EVERYONE is working for 10 min.! It just depends if you’re able to hang on to the thrusters or not

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