Saturday – 09/11/21

September 11, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm up



0:20 Active Hang from Bar

10 Scap Pull-ups

5 Beat Swings on Bar

10 Cossack Squats

10 Low Plank to High Plank

WOD: 9/11 Never Forget (Time)

Buy In 110 Step Ups 24”/20”

10 Rounds

– 9 Burpees

– 11 DB Lunges 35lb/25lb 25lb/15lb

6 Rope Climbs

8 Rounds

– 9 Pull Ups

– 11 DB Thrusters 35lb/25lb 25lb/15lb

Buy Out 2977m Row
“Each partner must complete one round before the other partner can get to work”

RX+ Wear a Vest

110 – Total number of floors

366 – Firefighters and officers that lost their lives saving others

2977 – Total victims

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