Saturday – 07/10/21 “Saturday Sweat”

July 10, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

Dynamic Warm-up

Metcon (No Measure)

30:00 Running Clock @Moderate Effort

400m Run, 500m Row, or 30/20 Cal Bike (athlete choice)

15 Slam Balls

20 Slam Ball Mountain Climbers

25 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

-0:30 Low Plank-

200m Run, 250m Row, or 15/10 Cal Bike (athlete choice)

15 Slam Balls

20 Slam Ball Mountain Climbers

25 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

-0:30 Low Plank-

100m Run, 125m Row, or 7/5 Cal Bike (athlete choice)

15 Slam Balls

20 Slam Ball Mountain Climbers

25 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

-0:30 Low Plank-

*****Start over from the top, repeat the entire workout until time. Switching Cardio every round is allowed when possible.*****

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