Pump sesh

November 30, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

View Public Whiteboard

Metcon (No Measure)

Two 5-minute stations to hit the smaller muscle groups today

AMRAP: 5′ on / 1′ off x 3 rounds (35 min)

A. Lower

20 Band side plank leg lifts p/s*

30 DB calf raises**

*both legs at 45* angle; bottom leg on the floor and top leg does the abduction

**stand on plate; hold a heavy DB or 2

B. Upper

30 band tricep extensions

15 DB vertical bicep curls*


*vertically hold one head of a heavy DB with both hands

Buy-out: 100 hanging side knee raises (R+L=1; add a DB between your feet if possible)

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