Wednesday – 06/23/21

June 23, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

View Public Whiteboard

Warm-up (No Measure)


0:30 Cardio of Choice (Ski, Bike or Row)

12 Alt. Reverse Lunges (total)

6 Inch-worms with push-ups

12 Alt. Bird Dogs (total)

Metcon (Time)

300/250 Calorie* Ski, Bike or Row

*Complete 7 Bupress @ The top of every 2 Minutes. WOD begins with 7 burpees.

(36 minute time cap)

Metcon (No Measure)


3-4 Sets for Quality

12 Weight or Body Weight Single Leg Glute Bridges/ Leg*

0:30-0:45 RKC Plank
*Weight can be a Wall Ball, DB, or KB



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