Monday, 3/26

March 25, 2018

CrossFit Armed – Gymnastics


Warm-up (No Measure)

3:00 Air Bike @ Warm-up Effort



12 Banded Reverse Flys

8-12 Prone Grip Ring Rows

4-6 Beat Swings

10yd High Bear Crawl

1 Wall Walk

0:10 Handstand Hold


A : False Grip Ring Row to Sternum @2222 Tempo (4×4-6 )

*scale angle as needed

B : Banded Assisted, Strict Ring Muscle-up [mid rings] (15 total reps, rest by feel)

*scale to toenail spot if nedded

C : Strict Pull-ups (3x AMRAP + 2:00 Rest)

*band assisted if less then 5 reps


Back Squat (5×5 @RPE 8)

*REP 8 = Working weight feels like you have 2 more good reps


Metcon (Time)

For Time;

2 Mile Air Bike


21, 15, 9;

DB Snatch

Lateral Burpee Over the DB


2 Mile Air Bike


A) Single Arm Bench Supported, DB Row; 3×10/Arm

B1) Banded, Face Pulls; x20

B2) Banded, Straight Arm Lat-Pull Downs; x20


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