Monday – 07/25/22

July 25, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

10 X-band steps each way

5 dumbbell high pulls per arm

5 Bulgarian split squat with press per arm

A: Muscle Clean + Push Press (3+3 x 5 *unloaded bar *pause in dip)

B: Power Clean + Push Press (2×2@65%, 2×2@70%, 2×2@75% *of CJ)

C: Front Squat (5@65%, 5×5@70%)

D1: Strict Weighted Pull-ups (5×4 @1111)

D2: Weighted Bar Dips (5×4 @1111)

Metcon (Time)

21 thrusters 95/65

9/7/5 pull-ups/CTB/bar muscle-ups

15 thrusters 95/65

7/5/3 pull-ups/CTB/bar muscle-ups

9 thrusters 95/65

5/3/1 pull-ups/CTB/bar muscle-ups

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