Monday – 07/05/21 “Surfside”

July 5, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

200m Jog


2 Rounds

10 Tuck ups

0:15 Active Hang on Bar

4-6 Beat Swings

5 DB Up-Right Row

5 Slow DB Front Squat

Metcon (Time)

For Time (In Teams of 2)*

6 Ring Row + 6 Diamond Push-ups -each

24 Toes to Bar -each

21 DB Power Cleans -each

4 Rope Up-Downs -each

150 Burpees (total)

12 DB Thrusters -each

1981m Row (total)

1 Mile Partner Run
*Do not move on to the next station until EACH TEAMMATE has completed their reps. Work can be shared however Teams want for the Burpees and Row.

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