Monday – 06/14/21

June 14, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

Warm-up with CrossFit Class or follow CrossFit Class warm-up if training during Open Gym time.

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A: Front Squat + Split Jerk (4 x 3* 60-65%)

*this is 1+1 x 3 reps of the complex


B: Front Squat (5@55%, 5@60%, 5@65%)

C: Deadlift (5×3@60-65%)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


50/45 calorie row

40 toes to bar

30 dumbbell single arm shoulder to overhead each arm (50/35)



Metcon (Calories)

5 x

top of every 2 mintues

12 seconds ALL OUT Air Bike

12 GHD Sit-ups during rest

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