“Minty Moose”

April 30, 2020

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

20′ karyoke down and back

10 single leg deadlifts *alt

5 burpees

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Additional strength (do on own)

A1. Romanian Deadlifts 5 x 10 Tempo 2121

A2. Weighted Glute Bridges 3 x 10

In-home with equipment


40′ handstand walk *scale = 4 wall walks or 40′ bear crawl

8 kettlebell swings 70/55

8 handstand push-ups *scale = pike push-ups

8 front rack barbell lunges 95/65 *alt

In-home no equipment


40′ handstand walk *scale = 4 wall walks or 40′ bear crawl

16 V-ups

8 handstand push-ups *scale = pike push-ups

16 jumping lunges


50 toes to kettlebell

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