CrossFit Armed – CrossFit
(No Measure)
4 rounds
15 seconds Right side ball toss
15 seconds Left side ball toss
15 seconds mountain climbers
15 seconds side shuffle sprints
15 seconds rest
A1: Dumbbell Bench Press (3 sets of 10 reps alternating arms)
A2: Dumbbell Weighted Step Ups (3 sets of 10 reps (5 per leg))
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
6 rounds
2 minutes on the clock:
250 meter row sprint
AMRAP wall balls 20/14
rest 2 minutes between rounds
5 minute AB cool down
30 seconds couch stretch both legs
30 seconds hamstring stretch both legs
1 minute chest stretch
30 seconds pigeon both legs
1 minute lat stretch