Mayhem Affiliate – L.I.F.E. – Wed, Jun 28

June 28, 2023


Class today will be joined with CrossFit!

CrossFit Armed – Mayhem Affiliate – L.I.F.E.

View Public Whiteboard


Cross Over Symmetry

Then Row Warm Drill

:30 Arms only

:30 Legs only

:30 Full Body

:30 Arms only

:30 Legs only

:30 Full Body

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20 min AMRAP

250m Row

10 Double Kettlebell Press from floor

10 Dbl Kbell bent over row

60 yd Single Overhead Kbell carry


Cool Down

3 mins on Bike Erg


1 min Seal pose

1 min Foam roll

1 min Seated QL stretch

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