Mayhem Affiliate – L.I.F.E. – Mon, Aug 28

August 28, 2023

CrossFit Armed – Mayhem Affiliate – L.I.F.E.

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6 min Amrap

30-sec Ski Erg

10-sec Plank Hold

5 Dumbbell STOH

10-sec Sandbag Hold

Metcon (Distance)

4 Sets each (8 total rounds)

“You Go-I Go”

2:30 min AMRAP

10 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead

200/170m Ski

*Max Distance Sandbag Carry “25ft section”

P-1 completes work while P-2 rests then switch. The resting partner will need to keep up with the time for their partner to know when to switch.


2:00 Walk

1:00 (each)

Seal Pose

Cat/Cow with 3 sec pause

Lacrosse Ball Forearms

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