
November 26, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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3 rounds:

10 Cal Row

20 Lateral Band Walks

20 Banded Psoas March

10 Banded Kang Squats

20 Arm Circles (10R/10L)

10 Single Leg Glute Bridges (5R/5L)

10 Tempo DB Strict Press (@3030)


Handstand Obstacle Course Work

Level 3 (Advanced)

5 min AMRAP:

HS Obstacle Walks (if you don’t have the ramp + stairs, create a safe obstacle course to try!)

Level 2 (Intermediate)

5 min AMRAP:

HS Obstacle Course (have some fun with this. Set up a challenging but doable obstacle course to play with. Make sure it is safe!!!)

Level 1 (Beginner)

3 min AMRAP:

Max Distance HS Walk or Max Shoulder Taps

Rest 1 min between sets

A1): Deadlift (work off 95% of most recent 1RM)

1×5 reps @40%

1×5 reps @50%

1×5 reps @60%

A2): Strict Press (3×10 reps @50%)


WOD: Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

5 Wall Walks

4 Rope Climbs

30 Burpees

RX+ (Wearing 20/14# Weight Vest)

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