Friday – 11/05/21

November 5, 2021

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)


5 Inch Worms

5 Staggered Stance Good Morning/ Side

8 Split Squat/ Side

A: Deadlift (6-6-6+)

Build up to 65-70% of 2RM Deadlift

and then…


1×6 @ 65-70% (Light-Moderate) of 2RM

1×6 @ 70-75% (Mod)

1x 6+ @75-80% (Mod-Heavy)*

*As many reps as possible w/o failure…no more than 8-10.

B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15:00 AMRAP

1 Wall Walk*

10 T2B

1 KB Turkish Get-up/ Side* (heavy for you)

15/12 Cal Bike or Ski

*Increase Wall Walk and TGU by 1 Rep with each round.

Exmple Round 2

2 Wall Walk

10 T2B

15/12 Cal Bike or Ski

2 TGU/ Side

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