Friday – 06/25/21

June 25, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

Butt kicks down and back box

10 Alt. Prisoner Jump Lunges (total)

10 Alt. Single Leg V-ups

6-8 Beat Swings

0:20 Active Hang from Bar

Metcon (4 Rounds for time)


Top of every 8 minutes:

21 Toes to bar

400 meter run

24 Plate Overhead Walking Lunges total (45/25)

-RX+, Dual DB Overhead Walking Lunges (35/20)

*Score for each round is separate

**If you finish the round before 8 minutes = time and you get to rest till next 8 minutes starts

***If you do not finish the round before the 8 minutes your score = 8 minutes PLUS however many reps you had remaining as your seconds and you do not get any rest. SCALE APPROPRIATELY and MOVE!
SCALE OPTIONS for Toes to Bar should be Kipping Knees to Elbow/Chest, or V-ups (straight leg or tuck)



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