CrossFit Armed – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 x NFT
jog down broad jumps back
10 plate internal/external rotations
10 plate bent over reverse flys
10 hollowrocks
30 mountain climbers
Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch (Top of every 90 seconds x 5 80-85%)
Metcon (Time)
30′ handstand walk
12 toes to bar
12 kettlebell swings 70/55
30′ handstand walk
14 toes to bar
14 kettlebell swings 70/55
30′ handstand walk
16 toes to bar
16 kettlebell swings 70/55
30′ handstand walk
18 toes to bar
18 kettlebell swings 70/55
*scale for hsw = 3 wall walks