“Diamonds are Forever”

May 6, 2020

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

20 jumping jacks

10 shoulder taps

5 air squats

A: Muscle Clean + Jerk balance (3 x 5+5)

B: Squat Clean + Front Squat (5 x 1+1 ~80+%)

C: BTN Split Jerk (~70-80%)

Metcon (Time)

In-home with equipment

2 thrusters 115/85

10 double unders

4 thrusters 115/85

20 double unders

6 thrusters 115/85

30 double unders

8 thrusters 115/85

40 double unders

10 thrusters 115/85

40 double unders

8 thrusters 115/85

30 double unders

6 thrusters 115/85

20 double unders

4 thrusters 115/85

10 double unders

2 thrusters 115/85

In-home no equipment

4 thrusters *use anything for weight

10 double unders *sub 3x singles

8 thrusters

20 double unders

12 thrusters

30 double unders

16 thrusters

40 double unders

20 thrusters

40 double unders

16 thrusters

30 double unders

12 thrusters

20 double unders

8 thrusters

10 double unders

4 thrusters


3 x

1000 meter run

rest 2 minutes

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