Armed and Fit – Tue, Jul 11

July 11, 2023

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

Strength & Conditioning (No Measure)

2 rounds / station (alternating stations)
2:00 rest

1. Set of max strict pull-ups, chin-ups*
Set of max push-ups**

2. 25′ HEAVY sled squat and pull***
25′ HEAVY sled step and push***

*jumping pull-ups: must control descend and once you rest at the bottom more than :02, you’re done
**IF you have push-ups, once you start “snaking” your body, your set is done. IF you do NOT have push-ups, perform 10 negatives on your knees and you may snake your body back up
***if more people than sleds at the station, then P2 will do 10 ITY’s each way, until P1 is done

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