Armed and Fit – Mon, Mar 13

March 13, 2023

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

Strength & Conditioning (No Measure)

A. AMRAP 25 min
for strength* and explosiveness
12 Bulgarian split squats (each side)
10 Box jumps (scale to squat jumps on and off plate)
12 RDLs (to the knee! focus on maintaining flat back and straight legs with soft knees)
100 feet HEAVY AF sled push and pull (50 ft. each)

*Increase the weights every round

B. Conditioning – 8 minutes
TABATA (alternating movements)
:20 on, :10 off x 16 rounds
ME Cal. bike (RPM above 60)
ME Devils press (choose a weight you can hit about 4 reps)

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