Armed and Fit – Fri, Apr 14

April 14, 2023

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

Conditioning (No Measure)

Chipper with an E3MOM
30 min cap (10 rounds)

*E3MOM: 15/12 cal. bike (start with the cals)

In teams of 2 (only 1 partner working at a time and everything split – even the cals!)
60 Thrusters (25s/15s+)
60 Box jump
60 Devil’s press
600 ft shuttle runs (3×100 ft. each)
**once you complete the round of 60s do everything again with 30 reps (run will be 6×50 ft. each)
***Devil’s press can be single arm on round of 60 but double on round of 30

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