
October 20, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

10 banded facepulls

5 single arm kettlebell squats per arm

10 weighted pelvic raises *kettlebell

A: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch (2×1+1 60% 2×1+1 70% 3×1+1 80%)

B: Power Clean + Squat Clean (2×1 60% 1×1 70% 1×1 80% 2×1 85% 2×1 90%)

*%’s of week 5’s

*blocks below knee

C: Front Squat (1×2 80% 1×2 85% 4×1 90%)

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets

AMRAP strict HSPU into AMRAP kipping HSPU

rest as needed

Metcon (Time)


squat clean 185/125

burpee ring muscle-up

Metcon (Time)

AB 100/70 calories for time

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