
August 8, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

10 X-band steps each way

5 barbell snatch grip Cuban presses

5 barbell on back jump squats

A: 3 Position Snatch (*squat *dip/below knee/floor 55-65%)

B: Squat Snatch (2×2 70% 2 75% 2 80% 2 85% 2 88-90% )

C: Back Squat (build to heavy single)

D: Paused Back Squat (90% of C)

E: Strict Weighted Pull-ups (4 sets 5 reps)

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

7 ring muscle-ups

100 double unders

3 squat snatches 185/125

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