CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 x NFT
10 X-band steps each way
10 banded good mornings
10 kettlebell strict high pulls each arm
10 feet together goblet squats
A: Paused Power Clean + BTN Split Jerk (4×2+2 @Light Weight)
*3sec Pause in catch
B: Squat Clean + Split Jerk (1@70% 1@78% 1@83% 1@88% 1@93%, Build to a Max)
C: Front Squat (build to 2RM)
D: Front Squat Clusters (3×2-2-2 @80-85% of C)
*Cluster sets, 10sec rest between each cluster of 2 reps and 2:00 Rest between each set of clusters.
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time
200m Run
15 Overhead Squats (115/75)
7 Power Snatch