
July 26, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

5 seated box jumps

10 sled weighted face-pulls

10 downward dogs to cobra

A: Drop Snatch (20 reps *empty barbell)

*Partition as needed

B: Snatch Balance (2×3@60% 2@70% 2×2@75% 2×3@80%)

Metcon (Time)

100 double unders buy in


5 rounds

1 squat snatch + 5 OHS 70-80% *of snatch 1RM

0:45 Air Bike @ 85% Effort

0:45 Air Bike @ recovery pace *35-45 RPM)

*compare working pace with avg from 10:00 AMRAP cals test, goal is to work at or above this pace
*put weight + RPMs in comments

2000 meter ski erg for time (Time)

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