
June 13, 2019

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 x NFT

10 banded steps each way

10 straight arm lat pulldowns

50′ overhead carry per arm

10 weighted pelvic raises

A: Muscle Snatch + Dip Snatch (*light 3 x 2+1 )

B: Squat Snatch (2×1 80% 2×1 85% 2×1 90%)

C: Power Clean + Push Press + Split Jerk (*light 3 x 2+1+1)

D: Squat Clean + Split Jerk (2×1 80% 2×1 85% 2×1 90%)

E: Tempo Front Squat (3311 85-90% of last week’s best 3)

F: DB or KB RNT Split Squat (12 per leg)

Metcon (Time)

10/7 bar muscle-ups

50′ handstand walk

100 double unders

10/7 bar muscle-ups

100 double unders

50′ handstand walk

10/7 bar muscle-ups

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