Thursday – 06/17/21

June 17, 2021

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds

8 Barbell Glute Bridges

5 Snatch Grip RDL

5 Hang Muscle Snatch

5 Pressing Snatch Balance

6-8 Kipping Swings on Rings


A: Power Snatch ( Paused – 4×4 @55% |0:03 pause @knee|)


B: Squat Snatch (wave 3x(3@60%, 3@65%, 3@70%))

C: Snatch Pull (80%)

D: Sotts Press (4×4@Light to Moderate Weight)

Sotts Press
*Option for Seated Sotts Press if mobility is a limiting factor. Usiing a 12-16″ box as seat.

Metcon (10 Rounds for reps)

EMOM x 10

odd: 4/2 ring muscle-ups

even: 6 deficit handstand push-ups 6″/4″

Metcon (Time)


chest to bar pull-ups

kettlebell swings 70/55

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