
November 3, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

5 single arm strict high pulls per arm

5 banded goblet squats

10 single leg back extensions per leg

A: Hang Snatch Pull + No Foot Hang Squat Snatch (*below knee 50-55%)

B: Squat Snatch (*no foot 2×2 60% 4×2 75%)

C: Power Clean + Squat Clean (2×2+1 65% 1×2+1 7% 2×1+1 75% 5×1+1 80%)

D: Front Squat (75-78%)

Metcon (Time)

150 double unders

60 wall balls 20/14 10’

30 chest to bar pull-ups

150 double unders

12 minute cap

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