
January 24, 2019

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 x NFT

10 monster steps each way

5 heavy strict kettlebell high pulls per arm

5 single leg box jumps per leg

A: Power Snatch + Snatch Push Press + Snatch Balance (70-75%)

B: 3 Position Squat Clean (*below knee, below knee, floor)

C: Clean Liftoff + Clean Pull (85-90% *5 sec eccentric 4 x 2+2)

D: Front Squat (*paused heavy double)

E: Front Squat (3 singles 100% of D)

F1: Good Mornings (*low bar)

F2: Strict into Kipping HSPU (max UB strict immediately into max UB kipping)

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

50 double unders

50’ overhead barbell walking lunges 135/95

50’ handstand walk

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