
January 12, 2023

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 x NFT

10 stride crossover jumps

10 banded internal/external rotations

10 back extensions

A: Dip Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean (3 x 2+1 55-60%)

B: Hang Power Clean (*1″ from floor 65-70%)

C: Snatch DL to Hip + Extension from Power Position (4 x 3+3 80-85%)

D: Front Squat (*paused)

E: Front Squat (100% of D)

F1: Sumo Stance Barbell Good Mornings

F2: Single Leg RDL (5 per leg)

Metcon (Time)

3 rounds

21 calorie AB

15 CTB

9 D-ball 100/70

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