CrossFit – Thu, Oct 27

October 27, 2022

CrossFit Armed – CrossFit

Aerobic Builder

Metcon (No Measure)

For Quality on a 24:00 Running Clock

1000/800m Row | 60/42 Cal Bike

50 Slam Balls (Athlete Choice)

40 Alt. Single Leg V-Ups

40 Alt. Slam Ball Step-Ups (Parallel)

500/400m Row | 30/21 Bike

25 Slam Balls

20 Alt. Single Leg V-Ups

20 Alt. Slam Ball Step-Ups

1000/800m Row | 60/42 Cal Bike


Metcon (No Measure)


30sec Single Arm Slam Ball Overhead Hold (Right)

-Rest 15sec-

15-20 Slow Hang Knee Tucks | Banded Reverse Squat*

-Rest 15sec-

30sec Single Arm Slam Ball Overhead Hold (Left)

-Rest as needed b/t Sets-

*Slow & controlled, aiming to tuck your knees up as high as possible on each rep.

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