Armed and Fit – Mon, Nov 7

November 7, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed and Fit

Strength & Conditioning (No Measure)

A. STRENGTH Circuit – 25 minutes

10 DB tempo bulgarian split squats 2020 (1 HEAVY DB) p/l
15 DB heels elevated mid goblet squats (stay in mid range; hips go above/below the knee)
12 DB chest press (last 3 reps should be a struggle)
15 DB Arnold press
Rest 1:30

*Challenge yourself and lift HEAVY today! If you feel the rest is too long, you’re not doing it right! The correct weight should limit you to about 4 rounds of this

B. Conditioning – 8 minute amrap
8/6 cal. bike sprint
10 hanging knee raises OR tuck-ups

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