
December 29, 2022

CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*

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A: Dip Snatch (4×3 @60%)

B: Squat Snatch (3@70% 2@75% 2@80% 3@85% *blocks below knees)

C: Clean Lift-Off [on 2″ riser] (5×4 @85-90% of clean)

D: Front Squat (4×2@80% *paused)

E1: Sumo Stance Barbell Good Mornings (5×4 @3010 )

E2: Single Leg KB Deadlift (5 per side)

Metcon (Time)

50/35 calories AB


10 rounds

10 handstand push-ups

10 pistols


50/35 calories AB

Metcon (10 Rounds for time)

top of every 2 minute x 10

100 meter shuttle sprint

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