CrossFit Armed – Armed Comp*
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 x NFT
20′ crab walk backwards *hips up
5 single arm ring rows per arm
A1: Close Grip DB Bench Press
A2: BTN Strict Pull-up (6-8 reps)
B1: Supine Grip Axel Bar Bent Over Row (*pause 2 seconds at the top)
B2: Dumbbell Lateral Raise + Cuban Press (10+10)
Metcon (Time)
21 pull-ups
100′ sled push 6/4 plates
15 chest to bar pull-ups
100′ sled push 6/4 plates
9 bar muscle-ups
100 sled push 6/4 plates
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds
25 calorie ski
25 deficit push-ups 45/25 plates